January Holiday Meeting!! County Council Forum!! Social Security Fairness Act Passes!!

Tomorrow we remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and celebrate his legacy–which rings as true today as in decades before.
“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.”

January Meeting

We are co-hosting a post-holiday/post-election gathering with our other West Shore Communities!! Please RSVP at the link HERE! The hall has limited availability, so register EARLY to secure your spot!!

While this event will be the day after the inauguration – and we will acknowledge the importance of strengthening our resistance to the new administration – we want to celebrate the work we’ve done together thus far, promote our continued growth, and just enjoy each other’s company and spend more time socializing. 

When: January 21, 2025, 6:00-8:30 pm (social hour and food from 6-7pm; program begins at 7pm)

Where: St. Barnabas Church, 468 Bradley Rd, Bay Village, OH

Theme: Taco Tuesday–Taco Bar provided from Cozumel in Westlake; also planning to have beer and sangria


County Council Forum!

Please consider coming out to this informative forum on the future of the Democratic Party in Cuyahoga County on January 25th at 10am at the Lakewood Library–all details below!. Our district representative, Pat Kelly, will be there to address the group!

Some good news…

For many of you who were (or are) public sector employees…teachers, firefighters, police officers, and many others…Congress officially repealed the Windfall Elimination Provision/Government Pension Offset (WEP/GPO), a Reagan-era enactment that has unfairly and unduly ROBBED millions of Americans their just-entitled share of their GUARANTEED Social Security benefits. After languishing in House subcommittees for more than a decade, Congress has finally righted this wrong and guaranteed to make whole one of the most basic protections of our democracy. Please read HERE for the full article. Finally some good news and a VERY welcome Christmas gift to millions of Americans! Just waiting for President Biden to sign the bill into law now!

UPDATE: The bill was signed into law by President Biden on January 5th! More than 2 million Americans have now been restored their due benefits! Please take a moment to watch the very touching ceremony HERE!

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