Petition Signing Event
We will have an excellent speaker, Cynthia White, the Bay Village LWV Chair, at our next Rocky River Democrats Club Meeting at the RRPL. We will discuss how important this legislation is and potentially getting your neighbors to sign, too. Cynthia has a comprehensive presentation prepped on what the legislation means to us as voters, how we can protect our rights as voters, and what we can do to get involved and make an impact! You won’t want to miss this!!
Tuesday Feb. 27th 6:30pm Social, 7:00pm Speakers at the Rocky River Public Library and on Zoom!

Friend of the Club, Judge William Vodrey’s son, Tom Vodrey, wrote an AMAZING article about the importance of the Citizens Not Politicians initiative and the state of politics in Ohio–it is DEFINITELY worth the read! Please read HERE and share with everyone!!
We Need Your Help!
We are looking for a volunteer to join the Rocky River Democrats Executive Committee as the Corresponding Secretary. We are looking for some with good writing and technical skills to help with email communication and website updates. If you, or someone you know is interested, please fill out the form HERE. This is a great opportunity to put your talents to work, get more involved with the club, and help in this crucial election year!!
County Prosecutor Race
As a club, we are not endorsing any candidate for the March primary, as the Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee voted not to endorse any one candidate. However, we want to ensure that our members have the opportunity to be educated on both candidates. Below, please see events for forums for both candidates, incumbent Michael O’Malley and challenger, Matthew Ahn!
City Club of Cleveland Prosecutor’s Race Debate: Tuesday, March 5 at 11:30 am at The City Club of Cleveland, 1317 Euclid Ave. Suite 100. Cleveland 44115. RSVP for Online Link HERE
CAIR-Ohio & AAVP Candidate Town Hall: Wednesday, March 6th, at 6 pm at La Villa Conference & Banquet Center, 11500 Brookpark Road Cleveland, OH 44130 Register HERE
OH 7th District Congressional Race
Please use the Zoom Link HERE to view the candidates forum on Monday, February 26th, at 7pm, between Matthew Diemer and Doug Bougie, candidates for Ohio’s 7th Congressional District, of which we are a part of, and currently being represented by MAGA extremist Max Miller. This is a CRITICALLY important race for our state and our country! Please join in, hosted by our friends at the Bay Village League of Women Voters!!

Kira Krivosh
Kira Krivosh is currently running for Judge for Court of Common Pleas and is endorsed by the Cuyahoga County Democratic Party, and also recently, by the Plain Dealer. Please go to her website HERE and go HERE to sign up to volunteer or get a yard sign–thanks for your support!!
Important dates for the primary! Make your plan to Vote!
Don’t miss out on shaping the future! Here are important dates related to the March 19, 2024 Presidential Primary Election.
Dec 20 – Vote-by-Mail ballot applications accepted
Request to have a Vote-by-Mail ballot application mailed to you.
Go to
Or call 216-443-VOTE (8683)
Feb 20 – Voter registration deadline: 9:00 pm
Feb 21 – Early voting begins (in-person & Vote-by Mail)
Mar 12, 8:30 pm – Vote-by-Mail ballot application deadline
Mar 18 – Vote-by-Mail postmark deadline
Mar 19 – Election Day; polls open 6:30 am-7:30 pm
Act now and make your voice count!
Vote-by-Mail Applications are being accepted until March 12!
For the March 19, 2024, Presidential Primary Election,
Vote-by-Mail Applications MUST be marked as:
X – Democratic,
X – Republican, or
X – Issues Only
Forgetting to mark a party is the # 1 reason a Vote-by-Mail Application is rejected!