Club Updates

Tuesday, August 28th Club Meeting, 7 PM

Save the Date!

We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting of the
Rocky River Democratic Club

Tuesday, August 28, 7 PM
Rocky River Public Library

Remember how you felt when Hillary Clinton lost?

 The last eighteen months of the Trump Administration have been painful (or fill-in your own adjective).  In less than 100 days, we have the opportunity to do something about it – voting for Democratic Candidates for the US Senate, Congress, Governor, and offices in the Ohio Statehouse!
More than just our own votes, it is important that we increase the number of Democratic votes among those who are not registered, unengaged, or uninformed about what Democrats stand for.
If you’ve been waiting to channel your energy against Trump and all that his presidency has wrought, now is the time to become active.

Please attend on August 28th to get plugged into concrete ways that you can help in the final weeks before early voting begins. 

At the meeting, the following speakers will focus on actions to Get Out the Vote!

  • Trevor Elkins, Mayor of Newburg Heights and Progressive Democratic Party Activist
  •  Khalid Saursour, Field Organizer, the Coordinated Campaigns for Senator Brown and Richard Cordray/Betty Sutton
  •  Heather McCalla, Member, Bay Village Nasty Women
 If Democrats win the Senate and Congress, Trump’s reckless agenda can be stopped!
Help get others registered and committed to voting for Democrats because votes are all that matter.

Please join us on August 28th and bring someone along!

Tuesday, August 28th Club Meeting, 7 PM Read More »

August Events!

Monday, August 13, 6:30 – 8PM



Tuesday, August 28, 7 PM

Rocky River Public Library

1600 Hampton

Check back later for more details.

August Events! Read More »

June Events!

Susan Moran Palmer was the featured speaker at our May 22 Club meeting.  She is the Democratic candidate for the United States Congress, District 16, which includes much of the Westside, including Rocky River.  Susan shared her vision about preserving healthcare, growing jobs and wages, saving public education, addressing the opioid and gun crises, and much more. 

We know that we need to turn Congress blue to save our country from the extremes of the current Administration.  Help elect Susan to make that happen.  For more information, to volunteer or contribute, click HERE.


For Cassimir Svigelj
Friday, June 15, 7 – 10   PM
Home of Mark Dent
247 Clark Street, Berea

Cassimir Svigelj is the Democratic candidate for State Representative, District 16.  Unlike the Representatives currently in the Ohio Statehouse, Cassimir will fight for every constituent in Rocky River, North Olmsted, Fairview Park, Bay Village, and Westlake to guarantee that we have clean air, clean water, great educational opportunities, and great career opportunities for the jobs of tomorrow.

Join Cassimir for snacks and beverages.  The special guest will be State Representative Kent Smith.  Suggested donation is $20 (cash or check).  To learn more about Cassimir’s vision for our District and Ohio, click HERE

For the Bay Village Nasty Women
Wednesday, June 20, 7 – 9 PM
Rocky River Public Library
1600 Hampton, Rocky River

During the 2016 Presidential campaign, then-candidate Trump referred to Hillary Clinton as a “nasty woman” and as a result, the Nasty Women movement began.  The dynamic Bay Village Nasty Women group will meet on June 20th to create strategies for high voter turnout in November.  Working with Democrats across the Westside, together we’ll make change happen in November.  The meeting is free and everyone is welcome!

For the Rocky River Democratic Club
Tuesday, June 26, 7 – 8:30 PM
Don Umerley Civic Center
21016 Hilliard, Rocky River

The next meeting of the Rocky River Democratic Club is scheduled on June 26, before taking a summer break during July and August.  More information about this meeting will be provided soon.


Volunteers are needed to join a phone bank to call our Westside neighbors and get their commitment to volunteer later in the campaign.

The next phone bank will be held on Tuesday, May 29 beginning at 4:30 PM at the Democratic Party headquarters, 3615 Superior Avenue, Cleveland.  Pizza will be served.  Future phone banks will be held weekly on Tuesdays from 6 to 8 PM at 2625 Westmoor Rd., except on Rocky River Democratic Club meeting evenings.  For more information, contact Dave and Marianne at: (440) 333-3485 or

Please share the above information with family and friends to grow the network of people who are committed to change in November.

June Events! Read More »

Agenda for the May 22nd Club Meeting

Save the Date!

We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting of the
Rocky River Democratic ClubTuesday, May 22, 7 PM
Rocky River Public Library

Featured Speaker

Susan Moran Palmer

Democratic Nominee for U.S. Congress
Ohio, District 16


Affordable and Accessible Healthcare
Sensible Living Wage
Curbing Gun Vilolence

Learn More HERE 

Let’s help elect Susan to represent our values in Washington!




Also on the Agenda

Human Rights Campaign

Molly Whitehorn, the new organizer in Cleveland for the HRC, will discuss the organization’s goals in Northeast Ohio and provide information about their new programs.
The meeting is free and open to everyone. 
Please share this email invitation with friends and family.
We look forward to seeing you soon.

Agenda for the May 22nd Club Meeting Read More »

Tuesday, May 8th is Primary Election Day!


Please help spread the word about voting.

  • Vote by mail ballots must be postmarked by Monday, May 7th; or physically taken to the Board of Elections (BOE) by 7:30 PM on Tuesday, May 8th.   The BOE is located at 2925 Euclid Avenue.
  • If you do not vote your absentee ballot and instead decide to go to your assigned polling place on Election Day, you must vote a provisional ballot.
  • Voting locations are open between 6:30 AM and 7:30 PM.
  • To check where to vote, click HERE
  • To view your ballot in advance, click HERE 
  • Encourage everyone to vote the entire ballot, including judicial candidates and Issue 1 and Issue 9.
The Democratic field of candidates for Executive, Legislative and Judicial offices is filled with talented women and men who wish to serve the public good.  While it is up to each of us to make our own choices, the Rocky River Democratic Club is proud of the following three candidates who are residents of Rocky River:

Tuesday, May 8th is Primary Election Day! Read More »

Highlights of the March 27, 2018 Meeting


  • On the May 8th ballot
  • Ensures congressional districts are drawn in an open, bipartisan process
  • Endorsed by both the Democratic and Republican Parties of Ohio (VOTE YES)
  • Click here for more information


  • On the May 8th ballot
  • Ensures critical services for children, seniors and medical care at MetroHealth (Adult Trauma Center, Burn Care Center, Metro Life Flight, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit)
  • Endorsed by many organizations and Representatives (VOTE YES)
  • Not a tax increase
  • Click here for more information


  • Share this link with family and friends who need to register, click here


Dale Miller, County Councilman, addresses Issue 9
Judith Weiss of the League of Women Voters Addresses Issue 1


Highlights of the March 27, 2018 Meeting Read More »

Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 27, 7 PM


for the next meeting of the

Rocky River Democratic Club

Tuesday, February 27th at 7 PM
Rocky River Public Library
1600 Hampton

Featured Presentation:

Bay Village Nasty Women

During the 2016 campaign, then-candidate Trump referred to Hillary Clinton as a “nasty woman.”  As a result, the Nasty Women movement was launched.  Learn more about the activities of the Nasty Women of Bay Village.


It’s Election Year. Meet the Candidates!

The men and women who seek your votes for legislative and judicial offices will join us.  Meet and hear from those who wish to represent us.

Club Business

During the meeting, Rocky River precinct leaders
and the Club’s by-laws will be discussed.

The meeting is free and open to everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 27, 7 PM Read More »

Report on January 30th Meeting

The first Club meeting of the year on January 30th got off to a resounding start with a full house and renewed enthusiasm.  We were joined by eleven candidates or their surrogates running for various offices this year.  It was a wonderful opportunity to meet the individuals who seek our votes.  We’ll continue to provide more information  about the important choices we have in the May primaries and November elections.

One of the critical votes we’ll cast in November is for the re-election of Senator Sherrod Brown.  A featured presenter was Cindy Demsey, Co-Leader of Sherrod Brown’s re-election campaign for Cuyahoga County. In attendance was Gabrielle Jackson, also a Co-Leader of the campaign.  Cindy highlighted Senator Brown’s progressive roots and concern for the welfare of workers.  He will need our help to win and nothing can be taken for granted.  A fundraiser for the Senator will be held on February 19th at the Market Garden Brewery on West 24th St.  Contributions range from $25 (student) to $500 (sponsor).  For more information contact Meg Yee at or 916-799-2898.

Last March, the Club addressed the opioid crisis that, unfortunately, impacts families right here in Rocky River.  A critical tool to prevent overdose deaths is the use of Narcan.  To provide an update on this important issue, we were joined by community activist Barbara Folds and RRDC Treasurer Rob McRae.  Rob provided an update on the use of Narcan in city schools and circulated a petition to make the life-saving drug available to school nurses.  Barbara shared her personal experience and provided resources for families seeking help.  She emphasized that no one is alone in dealing with this terrible disease.  Resources are numerous and include:    Alcohol, Drug Addiction & Mental Health Services of Cuyahoga County, Project Dawn, and Dial 2-1-1 Program.

This is an important year politically and City Leader Steve Dever addressed the need for precinct leaders in Rocky River.  We have openings in 2B, 2C, 4A and 4C.  To check your precinct, click here.  Precinct leaders play an important role in the community and have an official role with the Democratic Party of Cuyahoga County, including the endorsement of county-wide candidates.  To learn more or to indicate your interest, please email  The filing deadline is February 7th.

President Mike O’Neil addressed two items that are important to the Club.  He asked members of the community to consider becoming official dues-paying members of the Rocky River Democratic Club.  The modest, annual membership can be paid securely on the Club’s website or a form can be downloaded and mailed with your check.  Mike also asked members to review draft versions of the Club’s bylaws and constitution; the documents can be viewed here.  We’ll discuss them at the next meeting with the objective of finalizing them this quarter.

Thanks to all of the candidates, presenters, and members who attended the meeting.  Please save the date for our next meeting on Tuesday, February 27, 7 P.M. at the Rocky River Public Library, 1600 Hampton.

Report on January 30th Meeting Read More »

The Environment and Redistricting

The Rocky River Democratic Club meeting on May 30th focused primarily on the environment.  Rich Snyder, the city’s Chief Forester, provided an overview of efforts to maintain our local environment.  Dave Karpinski from LeedCo described the Icebreaker wind farm that will be installed off Cleveland’s shores next year that will generate 500 jobs and green power for 7,000 homes.  Representatives from the Sierra Club and the Alliance for the Great Lakes were available to provide information on their respective efforts.

Just two days after our meeting, the United States withdrew from the Paris climate accord; a decision that will weaken efforts to combat global climate change.  Government and business leaders from around the world, as well as the Pope, denounced this decision.


Let your thoughts about this breathtakingly wrong decision prompt you to take positive actions in our own community:

  • The City of Lakewood passed a resolution in support of the Icebreaker Wind Farm in Lake Erie.  Contact Mayor Bobst at 440-331-0600 or and ask that the City of Rocky River pass a similar resolution to support the wind farm.
  • The Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB) regulates the siting of wind farms with a generating capacity of 5 or more megawatts.  Email the OPSB at to express your support of the Icebreaker Wind Farm in Lake Erie.  Include case #: 16-1871-EL-BGN Icebreaker Windpower in your message.
  • Support one or more of the campaigns by the Alliance of the Great Lakes.  They have a number of efforts to address pollution, invasive species, and more.  Consider supporting the Sierra Club or any number of other organizations that seek to protect the environment.
  • Call the White House at 855-980-5634 or 202-456-1111.  Let the one who made the decision know what you think!

Mayors, governors and corporations have vowed to pursue sound environmental policies without the support of the Federal Government.  Let’s join them by taking one of the actions above to preserve the environment for our families and future generations.


We also had two additional speakers at the meeting.  Lauren Walsh from Rocky River Meals on Wheels let us know that they need volunteers in food preparation and as drivers.  If interested, please call 440-333-6298.

Heather Macalla from Fair Districts Ohio discussed the very important issue of gerrymandering, its affect on our elections, and the critical need to reform our congressional districts.  Volunteers are needed to obtain signatures to get the measure on the ballot.  Liz Gerstenhaber will be the point person for our Club.  To support this important effort, please email Liz at:

The Environment and Redistricting Read More »

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