Early voting in Ohio begins in about 60 days. Imagine how you’ll feel when you cast your vote for Joe Biden and other Democratic candidates shortly after October 6th!
According to polls this week, the race in Ohio remains a tie. Every Democrat needs to vote this year. Grassroots efforts have proven time and again to make a difference in voter turnout. To achieve that goal:
We need to reach Rocky River Democrats who live in apartment/condo buildings (a sizable number). Postcards and a script will be provided; you provide the thirty five cent stamps. This can be done from the comfort of your own home on your own schedule. To volunteer for postcard writing, please send us an email by clicking HERE.
Many of you remember 2016 when you committed 2 or 3 hours to knocking on doors for Hillary Clinton. Because of Covid-19, there will be no door knocking and interacting with our fellow residents; but we still need to get information to every voter. Territory to cover will be reasonable and can be done at your convenience over several days. To volunteer for literature drops, please send us an email by clicking HERE.
You’ve been waiting to do something to make a difference. NOW IS THE TIME! Both the postcard writing and literature drops are being scheduled for the week before and through Labor Day weekend when the State of Ohio is expected to mail absentee ballot applications to all registered voters.