Next Club Meeting Via Zoom: Tuesday, February 23rd at 7 PM


Tuesday, February 23, 7 PM via Zoom

Featured Speakers:

LIZ WALTERS, Chair, Ohio Democratic Party
Ohio was once considered a key battleground state.  Democratic Party losses in the state over the last several election cycles have many political experts wondering about Ohio’s future when compared to Arizona and Georgia.  Ms. Walters will share her vision about the political future of our state; and most importantly, will listen to our feedback during the meeting. This is our opportunity to let the leadership of the Ohio Democratic Party know our thoughts about how Democrats can win in Ohio.

Rep. Smith will serve on the following committees in the 134th General Assembly: Commerce and Labor, Economic and Workforce Development, and Technology and Innovation.  She will provide an update on the activities of those committees and provide her perspective on Ohio Government as she begins her freshman term as our Representative. 


Officer Elections:
Officer elections will take place for the Rocky River Democratic Club (RRDC).

The current Club President, Secretary and Treasurer are willing to serve another two year term.  However, new leadership and the potential energy it brings is always welcome!  If you would like to run for any of the officer roles of the RRDC — President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer — please submit your name, the officer role, and a brief description about yourself to: [email protected].

RRDC Officer requirements: resident of Rocky River, registered Democrat as verified by the Board of Elections, and current dues-paying member.  For a complete description of the duties and responsibilities of Club officers, please see the Club’s bylaws by CLICKING HERE.

Membership Dues:
Club dues are payable in March for the upcoming year.  Dues allow the RRDC to promote voting in every election that takes place in Rocky River.  For example, in last year’s General Election, the Club produced custom door hangers and postcards.  Your membership dues make a difference!

Rates per year: 
Family: $30 / Individual: $20 / Senior: $10 / Student: $5

Two convenient ways to pay Club dues:
1. Safely and securely online by CLICKING HERE.  Select the appropriate level on the right side of the screen and pay via credit card.
2. Print the member form and mail a paper check.  To print the member form, CLICK HERE.

To receive the link to the Club meeting on Tuesday, February 23, 7 PM via Zoom, please CLICK HERE.

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