Membership Drive is Afoot!

  • Supports Democratic Party activism in Rocky River, our Ohio House and Senate district, U.S. Congressional district, and national elections.
  • As a Member and resident of Rocky River, you elect the officers of the Club to serve as your Democratic Party advocates in our community. Members also vote on the bylaws that the Club’s officers and Members follow.
  • Monthly meetings with timely speakers on topics that matter to us, ranging from abortion rights to climate policy, and local candidates, such as Chris Ronayne, Troy Greenfield and more.

In 2022, membership dues helped the Club sponsor canvassing/lit drops as well as organizing post card action nights and a yard sign drive-thru, maintain the Club’s presence on the internet, hold events like the summer party at Elmwood Cabin, and more.The Club simply reflects the energy and activism of you, its Members; and there was an amazing amount of activism by Members in Rocky River last year! Please think about further supporting the Club as we look to be active force in 2023 as we face and prepare for many pivotal local, statewide and national elections!

Family $30 | Individual $20 | Senior $10 | Student $5
You can join online or print and mail a membership application.
[button color=”undefined” hover_text_color_override=”undefined” url=”” text=”Join online” color_override=””]
[button color=”undefined” hover_text_color_override=”undefined” url=”” text=”Print and Mail Member Application” color_override=””]
Every vote counts, every election is important, and every year matters.With your ongoing contribution and support, we’ll continue to achieve success in Rocky River.
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